Enjoying Panorama of Malioboro Yogyakarta

Enjoying Panorama of Malioboro Yogyakarta - Malioboro is the most popular street in Yogyakarta city. Located in the center of Yogya, this is a special city street, and was once a ceremonial road that the Sultan needed to pass on his way to and from the Palace. On such occasions Malioboro will be decorated lively with flowers. There are some who say that the name "Malioboro" comes from the name of the British governor Marlborough from the era when the British ruled the archipelago, between 1811-1816.

Near the north gate of the Keraton or palace there is a special Dutch colonial building which is currently the Central Post Office and the State Trade Bank. Walking a little to the north there is a well-appointed State Guest House, which was once the home of a Dutch Resident, but after Independence became the presidential palace when Yogya became the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. President Soekarno lived here around 1946-1949.

Across the street is the Vredenburg fort, which used to be a Dutch army barracks and is now a center for art and painting exhibitions.
Next to the same street is Beringharjo market, Yogya's bustling specialty market, where you can buy batik and souvenirs at affordable prices.
In Malioboro you will find the oldest hotel in Yogyakarta, Hotel Garuda, which was built with Dutch colonial architecture.

Although full of historical value, now Malioboro is a place for tourists to shop. The street is lined with shops selling some unique items, and street vendors offering souvenirs at affordable prices, so you're sure to find something interesting on this street.

If you are looking for batik to take home as a souvenir, then Malioboro is the right place for you. From home dresses to formal batik clothes, it's all here. Batik can also be made into bags, tablecloths, sheets, pillowcases, curtains, and much more.

Night food in Malioboro

At night, the streets come alive with street vendors opening their tents serving a variety of local dishes. You have to sit cross-legged in a tent, which locals call "lesehan". Taste your food while enjoying Malioboro's lively nightlife. It is an experience you will never forget. If you like culinary adventures in Yogyakarta , you can refer to our Yogyakarta Dining Guide.

Some of the unique foods of the region include:
Gudeg, a Yogya specialty, it is jackfruit curry, served with chicken and eggs over rice. Nasi Langgi is warm rice served with various side dishes. Kipo, a bite-sized snack made from tapioca dough has a green color filled with sweetened grated coconut. This food can be found in Kotagede. Jadah Tempe, rice cakes and sweet peanut cakes can be found in Kaliurang.

The best way to enjoy the panorama of Malioboro is on foot.
Stalls and shops line the streets. You don't need to use a car when walking along Malioboro street. Malioboro is close to Tugu Station (Tugu Train Station). You can also take a walk in Malioboro by taking a tricycle or a horse-drawn carriage that has four wheels that hang along the road, people call it "andong".

If you are in the city of Jogjakarta, take the time to enjoy the beauty of Malioboro Street

May 16, 2022
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